Trident's Keype

Order of the Trident Keype

Order of the Trident Keype (OTK): shall be the premiere service award of the Barony of Darkwater.Award LevelBaronial, armigerous

Award Verbiage

1.) Upon a foundation of stone, a keype is built brick by brick. Upon a foundation of service is our society built task by task. Thus do we, (names) Baron and Baroness of Darkwater, make you _________ a Companion of the Order of the Tridents Keype, to be accorded all rights and privileges thereof. Set by Our hand this ____ day of___________ AS _________

2.) Oh, blessed are those who build well the stones

that stand hale and high o'er hearth and o'er hall.

Oh, blessed are those who serve well our homes

and give us good deeds that benefit all.

The stones of Society are well worn

by the hands of the dream, laden with care.

The heart of our good gentle was true born

with history's dream alight with flame fair.

Like the tower rises from the three seas,

we raise our gentle in nobility.

In honor we raise you as the tall trees,

and charge you to arms to keep our land free.

For joyous service and nights lacking sleep

we raise our good gentle to Trident's Keype.

Done this ________ day of __________, A.S. __________ by __(Names)__, Baron and

Baroness of Darkwater to honor ___(Name)__ for exceptional service to the Barony of Darkwater and by the authority of the Crown Trimaris bestows an Award of Arms.

Submitted by James Highgate

*****May be AoA by permission of the Crown Trimaris. Add “and bestow by authority of the Crown Trimaris this Award of Arms.” after “the Tridents Keype”.


Token, Sable on an escallop inverted Or, a castle of three towers gules