Cathleen Thomlinson

Cathleen Thomlinson

SCA Name: Cathleen Thomlinson

Mundane Name: Janna C.

About the artist: Hello Everyone, I love to do illumination work within the scribal group. I have been in the SCA since December 2011, and enjoy every part of being in such a very cool group. I live in Orlando and am part of Barony of Darkwater.

Interests: As I am learning within the SCA my interests have increased everythime I go to a new event. I am into archery, illumination, knitting, making anything and hopefully soon rapier. At events you can find me running from the scribal tent, to helping with feast and the achery field. I have other things that I do outside of the SCA such as riding horses, cake decorating, and so much more.

Contacts - attention "Cathleen"

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